No trail critter, traffic light gawker, or ride partner worth their salt can resist the allure of watching you execute the perfect trackstand. It’s a killer combo of balance, beauty, and basic bad-assery, and while Kate demonstrates it in this video, we’ve also pulled together a couple of tips to help you practice.


No trail critter, traffic light gawker, or ride partner worth their salt can resist the allure of watching you execute the perfect trackstand. It’s a killer combo of balance, beauty, and basic bad-assery, and while Kate demonstrates it in this video, we’ve also pulled together a couple of tips to help you practice.


Stand and Deliver

Let’s clear the air—a trackstand is not just some trick punks do at traffic lights. It’s a skill that can help you be a better rider, mountain or road. On the trail, trackstanding can give you a moment to pause and eye the best line before committing, and on the road—well, the ability to stop in traffic and wait at stop signs, lights, and zebra crossings is not only essential, it earns you a veritable cornucopia of cool points.

There’s nothing that’ll teach you how to trackstand quicker than getting out and doing it, so watch the video, absorb the following tips, and then get out there and trackstand like the boss you were born to be.


Tips For First-Timers:

  • Use flat pedals for a fast escape should you topple gracefully from your bicycle perch. Leave the clip-in advanced form for after you’ve nailed the basics.

  • No flip-flops, and no barefoot bikers here. Grab a good pair of sneakers with a non-slip sole for easy foot-down action when you overbalance.

  • Find a spot with no traffic and with a slight incline. Hot take: grass makes for a soft landing. Some people also like to roll up to a curb and turn their wheel into it to practice the delicate art of finding balance in the universe.

  • You can learn on a road bike, but mountain bikes are the easiest when you’re starting out.

  • Put your best foot forward. Just like we’re either left- or right-handed, we all have a favored foot. Stand, sprint, then stop pedaling while still standing—which foot did you instinctively put forward? That’s it—put that one to the front when practicing.

  • Choose a cruising gear—one you can turn easily.

  • You probably won’t get it first go—practice, practice, practice!